Wednesday 2 November 2016

A Summary of How to Pray the Holy Rosary

1. On the Crucifix: Make the sign of the Cross.
2. Say your intentions.
3. Invocation of the Holy Spirit (Come O Holy Spirit...).
4. Confess your sins (I confess to almighty God...).
5. Reparation Prayer (O Jesus, It's for love of you, for the conversion of sinners & in reparation for the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary that I offer you these prayers of the Rosary).
6. The Apostles Creed (I believe in God the father almighty...).
7. On the Large Bead: One Our Father.
8. On the three small beads: One Hail Mary each.
9. On the Large Bead: Glory be to the father, State the first mystery of the day & meditate on it. Then say one Our Father.
10. On the next Ten Small Beads: Say one Hail Mary each.
11. On the Large Bead: Glory Be.., O my good Jesus forgive us our sins..(Fatima ejaculation), announce the 2nd mystery and meditate on it. Then say One Our Father.
12. Continue in that format until you get to the last decade.
13. After the last decade, say the Hail Holy Queen. Then add other prayers.
14. Finish with the Sign of the Cross.

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